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Vilas Transcore user comments & discussion

User Reviews

5. Info May 31 2024 09:47:53 AM Reply
Does Marwadi share allow sme online selling on the first day like main board IPO, or is there any limitation or different process? Request anyone who have experience with marwadi recently..
4. Anuprova Mondal May 16 2024 07:32:44 PM Reply
Vilas Transcore SME IPO good or bad.
4.1. Ankush Kothari May 17 2024 03:20:40 PM
Looking Good As Lead Manager Is Hem Securities ! They Have Good Listings History !
Currently Gmp Is Not Updated
3. Pallavi Mali May 16 2024 07:32:44 PM Reply
Vilas Transcore SME IPO expected listing gain.
2. Anisha  May 16 2024 07:32:44 PM Reply
Please confirm Vilas Transcore SME IPO GMP (grey market premium) and kostak.
1. SANTOSH HODAGE May 16 2024 07:32:44 PM Reply
Vilas Transcore SME IPO whether to invest or not.