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DEE Development Engineers user comments & discussion

User Reviews

5. Anuprova Mondal Jun 11 2024 10:39:47 AM Reply
DEE Development Engineers IPO good or bad.
5.1. Mayu Chaudhari Jun 21 2024 01:00:07 PM
good for listing gain
4. Pallavi Mali Jun 11 2024 10:39:47 AM Reply
DEE Development Engineers IPO expected listing gain.
3. KP Jun 13 2024 01:13:15 AM Reply
Would request Investograin team or others to help me find my mistake. From website financial statement net profit for FY2021- 22.34 crores, FY2022- 12.42 crores , FY2023- 17.92 crores. Why the website showing PAT figures differently. I am curious to know where I am getting it wrong . Thanks In advance.
3.1. Admin Jun 13 2024 09:29:58 AM
Hello Sir,

Please refer RHP Document Page number - 306, V Restated Profit for the period/year (III-IV).
2. Anisha  Jun 11 2024 10:39:47 AM Reply
Please confirm DEE Development Engineers IPO GMP (grey market premium) and kostak.
1. SANTOSH HODAGE Jun 11 2024 10:39:47 AM Reply
DEE Development Engineers IPO whether to invest or not.